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Online Resources
Welcome to the Online Resources, where you can get access to all the goodies I talk about in the book, and more. Keep checking back - it is going to get better every day!
Chapter 2
If you want to pair up with someone to do the Connection Exercise and don't have someone to help - write to me@sondraharmon.com
Alternate Connection Exercise Audio File, by Angie Maserati.
Chapter 3
Video of Linda Chae talking about saying OUCH!
School House Rock Video, a fun reminder of what an interjection is.
If you have deeper trauma issues, you can write to me at me@sondraharmon.com for professionals I recommend.
To read more about how vocalizing pain can help reduce it, you can find the link HERE▶︎
Here is the video of a father staying connected to his daughter during a tantrum.
Chapter 3
The Hot Potato Song by The Wiggles (watch at your own risk)
Chapter 6
Brene Brown - Damn you Steve!
Chapter 17
OUCH Cards to Print - Click on the PDF link below to download / print
Chapter 21
Audio File for Cool The Potato Visualization
Part 3
Worksheets for Exercises - Click on the PDF link below to download / print