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My Story
Let me start at the end. I live in Puerto Rico with my amazing husband, Richard. We walk the beach most sunsets and share coffee and conversation every morning. I love him. And I'm in love with him and my life. Since our very first date, strangers have come up to tell us how happy and in love we look.
But that is the "Lovingly Everafter" ending to my story. I'll fill you in on the details ...
Career-wise, I've run companies, started companies and consulted them. I co-founded a non-profit in Vietnam and lived there for almost a decade. But this story is really about romantic relationships and my struggles around them.
The important point is that I hit bottom along the way and was finally determined to figure out this relationship stuff. That was about 8 years ago.
I was blessed to meet a couple - Frank and Linda - that had been in love for over 35 years. Like really IN LOVE. When I met them, I just assumed they had just started dating or something. They acted like gooey teenagers IN LOVE. I wanted that!
I was so lucky to have her mentor me, talking every day for a year as she taught me everything she knew. That started my journey. I went to India, and learned the meditations and wisdoms to change one's very core and allow for love to blossom, not by changing others, but our own consciousness. Next, I traveled all around the U.S., studying for over two years with one of the foremost transformational leaders in relationships.
But most importantly, I looked inward and interviewed hundreds of people about different aspects of relationships. It was during this time I met and married Richard. (And wrote a started speaking all over the country.)
One of the main things I learned is that almost everything I thought I knew about relationships was backwards. I would love to share what I have learned with the world.